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start [2020/10/14 10:30]
Jaco van Wyk
start [2024/10/02 18:23] (current)
Jaco van Wyk [Partners]
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 Direct Debit is a **first-tier debit order collection service provider**. We facilitate debit order collections via [[|EFT]], [[|NAEDO]] and [[|DebiCheck]] payment streams.   Direct Debit is a **first-tier debit order collection service provider**. We facilitate debit order collections via [[|EFT]], [[|NAEDO]] and [[|DebiCheck]] payment streams.  
-We offer various [[|systems]] to accommodate different types of businesses in debit order collections. Systems include debit order collection file uploading, automation and [[|API integration]], as well as other value adding services.+We offer various [[|debit order systems]] to accommodate different types of businesses in [[|debit order collections]]. Systems include debit order collection file uploading, automation and [[|API integration]], as well as other value adding services.
 We are also the creators of E-Mandate, [[|electronic debit order agreements]] that may be used to sign up customers and integrate with your existing systems. We are also the creators of E-Mandate, [[|electronic debit order agreements]] that may be used to sign up customers and integrate with your existing systems.
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 ===== Partners ===== ===== Partners =====
 +[[|Credit card tokenization]] and [[|PCI compliant storage]] by PCI Vault
 [[|Online invoicing]] and [[|billing system]] by SnapBill [[|Online invoicing]] and [[|billing system]] by SnapBill
start.1602671403.txt.bz2 ยท Last modified: 2020/10/14 10:30 by Jaco van Wyk