
Debit Order Signup Requirements (Additional Requirements For Specific Industries)

Additional sign up requirements for specific industries to mitigate the risk for unpaids/disputes. Additional sign up requirements will be applicable for call centres, micro lenders, debt collectors, loan brokers and insurance companies.

Call Centres

Specific Requirements
Standard signup requirements
Confirmation of membership with the Direct Marketing Association of South Africa (DMA). More information can be obtained here:
Business plan.
List of products being sold.
All terms and conditions relating to products/services being sold.
Indicate if client is the owner of the products/services being sold.
If the client is not the owner and is reselling the products/services, then SLA's will be needed to support the authority to sell products/services.
Indicate if paper or voice mandate is being used or both.
A copy the the document that will be sent to all clients within 21 days of a successful sale.
If voice mandates are used the minimum requirements need to be adhered and sample of voice recordings need to be provided to verify this.
Proof of their capability to record and retain voice mandates for 7 years, along with full details of system being used.
Full detail of quality control process.
Complaints policy.
Cancellation policy.
Indicate how leads are generated, if bought a copy needs to be provided.
12 month debit order statistics (successful, unsuccessful & dispute %).
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Micro Lenders

Specific Requirements
Standard Signup Requirements
Need a well established track record.
Proof of registration with the NCR. More information can be obtained here:
12 months collection stats (successful, unsuccessful & dispute %).
Detail of who the current service provider is.
Detail of loan administration system utilised.
Proof of capability to do an ITC check on clients. This will include Transunion reports (, XDS reports ( or Xperian reports (
A sample of 10 existing mandates.
Proof of National loan register registration.
Proof of their means connecting with the National Loan System and Credit Bureau.
Ability to Affordability checks.
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Debt Collectors

Specific Requirements
Standard Signup Requirements
Need a well established track record
Proof of registration with the council of debt collectors (
12 Months collection stats (successful, unsuccessful & disputed%).
Detail of who their current service provider is.
10 Samples of mandates.
Full detail of source of leads.
Repayment terms will be based on the stats provided.
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Loan Brokers

Specific requirements
Standard Signup Requirements
12 Months collection stats (successful, unsuccessful & disputed %).
Detail of who their current service provider is.
10 Samples of mandates.
Full detail of source of leads.
Repayment terms will be based on the stats provided.
No companies will be accepted if they don’t have a track record.
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Insurance Companies/Funeral Policies

Specific requirements
Standard Signup Requirements
Proof of registration with the Financial Services Board (FSB). More information can be obtained here:
Detail of their underwriters.
12 Months collection stats (successful, unsuccessful & disputed%).
10 Examples of mandates.
Repayment terms will be based on the stats given.
Go to, “”.
additional-requirements.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/05 12:39 by Schuzelle van Wyk